I felt compelled to share about a moment I had with my daughter this morning. She was having a rough time, she was asking me to take her temp and I knew she wasn't sick. There were a few tears, but she never really did say anything specific. Two things I do know... She was still tired from the weekend, and her best friend recently moved away. Those two things would be enough to make any adult not want to face a Monday, let alone an 8 year old.
I talked to her like any mom would and encouraged her, but it wasn't until we were in the car getting ready to leave for school that we started to turn a corner. I said "let's pray" as I started to pray for her I noticed that I felt suddenly better about my day and I noticed after I prayed that she looked happier.

I am by no means super mom, but it was just such a simple moment that made a difference. We pray every night before bed, but sometimes that can become routine. It was so nice to just take it to God and say out loud, truths that we both needed to hear to start our day. 
Praying with our kids is such a small simple thing we can do. Often we don't have the answers and I really hope that I can teach my children early on that going to God is what we do first. 

I'm so thankful to live in a community of moms that I know pray for and with their kids, but this morning was a great reminder for me that it is often the simple things that mean the most. 

Happy Monday Friends!