18 Days... We have 18 days left in this year. I am determined to finish this year strong!

We all have circumstances going on, stress, worries, and much more. We can focus on those things or we can seriously be determined to punch them right in the face. I do not mean like real life actuall people 😂 although... 🤔 anyway, I am kicking ass and taking names ya'll. No this is not some piggy back off of the #last90days,  but I do love it and I love the idea of not waiting until the beginning of a new year to get up and start trying.

I have wrestled in my mind ALL WEEK. Sometimes I want to quit everything, but something has been different this week. When I have felt like that, I just keep pushing. I keep going, even when I don't feel like it. Life is freaking hard, but stop and scroll through your camera roll on your phone for a minute. Seriously, do it! Tell me you don't have reasons to get up, step outside your feelings and fears and handle these last 18 days like a boss! We are all so insanely blessed in spite of some of the crap life throws at us. If your a mom stand up and show your kids how you end a year. When you run a race you do not slow down at the end, you dig deep and you run as fast as you can, you finish strong! Even if you puke, you finish strong. I ran today, and I was determined not to quit when I was tired. I set a goal for how far I was going to go and I finished it. You would never even know if I didn’t tell you that I had to go find Bentleys A&D ointment to put under my arms because they were ON FIRE!! haha!! That has never happened before, but  then I realized that it's because there is clearly more fluff in places that I never had before. My first thought was WTH and then I was like, you know what, were going to do something about this. I could just never run again, but that isn't how this is going to end lol! How good is it going to feel when I am back at my best!?

You cant stop picking yourself up and starting over. You are getting stronger. You are learning and becoming wiser every single time you fail. You guys, I know what it is to struggle. I could finish this post, walk away from my computer and feel like throwing in the towel on the rest of my day, unsure if anything I just wrote is true. That is how quickly our feelings and moods change. It's so screwed up and I hate that we can be so up and down, but until we learn to fight through those down times instead of slowing down or stopping altogether we wont make progress.

Someone called me fickle in high school... Can you believe the nerve!? It was actually a friends mom haha! I have seriously never forgotten it. Was I fickle? Absafreakinlutely 🤣 I really was, but I can't honestly think of a High Schooler that isn't.

The problem is, when we become adults and we are still fickle. In case you don't know or you just need a slap in the face, here is the definition.

 FICKLE: changing frequently, especially as regards one's loyalties, interests, or affection.

We are still so prone to this even as a Non High Schooler, but the difference is we know better now. I hope we are smarter... I HOPE. So let's do this, let's set our minds on the good things, the hard things, that we know we aught to be doing and lets finish this year strong. Let's stop starting over and giving up when it get's hard! Here are some of the pictures I found scrolling through my phone and every reason in the world to PRESS ON.

I have two drop dead gorgeous daughters who need me to show them how to walk through this crazy hard life with strength and dignity.

I have a family! Like my very own family with game nights and everything! Literally, every dream fulfilled right there!

I have a husband that just got first place at an ugly sweater party. I mean... if that’s not a reason to up my game I don’t know what is!

See, there’s the proof. He’s got his award around his neck right over his dickie. 😂😂

And this guy... I love him so much it hurts! I can’t even believe that I have two girls and God still chose to bless me with a son. Every day, I am amazed.

And last... here I am post run, chaffed armpits and all, but I finished so dang strong! The burning actually didn’t start until I stopped running. 🤣😅 Thank God!

Now it’s your turn. Go ahead and look around you. Look through your camera roll like I did. Do whatever you need to do to remind yourself of your reasons why.

Let’s do this! No looking back!