So let's just get right to it in the beginning of this post and then we can break it down. We try to give our kids so many things, but I am going to tell you one of the number one things they really want. They may never tell you, but they want to have a happy mommy. When I say happy I guess what I really mean is a mom that has Joy... after all it is a fruit of the spirit. 😊

Let me back track a little bit here... sometime earlier in the week I felt like God was speaking to me that my kids just want to see me be happy. Umm I don't remember where I was or if I was even asking God for advice in that department at the time. LOL  I just remember it kind of clicking with me. Fast forward to Thursday morning, the whole your kids seeing you happy thought comes to me again. This time it was in a Holy Spirit leading me to write kind of way. When that happens I feel inspired and as the day goes I can totally talk myself out of sharing. Well... not today Satan, not today!

As today has gone on I have had so many things flooding my mind on this topic, but the biggest motivation, is what it always is for me... Breaking those chains that the enemy loves to put on families generation, after generation. You see, I grew up in an environment that just was not very positive. It felt like everything had to be a crisis, or there was always something someone was worried about. I just remember as a kid feeling uneasy and not very secure. I do believe that there are genetic factors in mental illness such as depression, but I also believe so strongly that depression/anxiety/fear can be a learned behavior. I was at no shortage of examples of anxiety, depression, addiction, and mental illness growing up. Throughout my family (both sides). Remember a few minutes ago when I mentioned those chains that satan likes to use generation after generation!? What I am suggesting is that you take a look at your thought life and the way you cope with things you are faced with in life and see if maybe some of it has been learned over the course of your life. The reason I think this is so important is because not just your children depend on it, but maybe even your children's children. Don't allow the enemy to continue those patterns in your family. Identify them and with God's help demolish them! Let's show our babies what Joy looks like!

Speaking from the perspective from a little girl that was raised in uncertain and not very happy circumstances. It would have made all of the difference in the world as a child to feel the security of the adults around me having Joy. There is just something that is so comforting to our children to see a smile on our faces... even when things are hard. It tells them that it is all going to be ok and that they are taken care of. When a child has that emulated for him/her they learn that behavior.

It's ok mamas, to not be ok. I am not suggesting that we all go around floating on a cloud. This world we live in is harsh and downright dark at times. Here is what I am suggesting...

First take a look and see if you have learned thought patterns and coping skills from previous generations... If you have and they are not who you want to be, then ask God to help you learn new ways. Just like it takes time to build muscles, those ways of thinking are not built overnight and they won't go away overnight. Give yourself grace and patience.

Next... if you are in a place mentally where you have done everything, but just can not seem to be the woman that you know you truly are, it is ok to consider medication... Let me say that again... IT IS OK!! I think that especially believers struggle with feeling like medicine is not ok. I believe with all of my heart that God truly is a good father. Can he perform a miracle and take away all of your troubles in the blink of an eye!? Sure he can!! As a good parent do you ever have the solution for your children at your finger tips, but you allow them to walk through something with your guidance rather than just fixing it for them? Of course you do!  You do that because you want them to become wise and strong. I have seen God's immediate delivering power, but more often I see Him give us tools to use that will help us walk through things. Medicine can absolutely be a God given tool. Seek him and he will lead you in this area.

If we are going to address our happiness/Joy from a mental standpoint we have to address it from the physical as well. We NEED exercise! Not to be skinny and achieve some unrealistic body image. We need exercise so we can be healthy and keep up with our crazy kiddos! I don't know about you, but I want to also be able to keep up with my grand kids someday as well! Exercise is also so connected with our mental health. I would suggest making sure you are implementing this first before going the route of medication, if you are well enough to do so. DISCLAIMER: I am clearly not a doctor, so please don't use any of my opinions in the place of a physician !!

Last, but definitely not least we have to address the spiritual. I am no expert in this area so I will just leave you with this verse. But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”  Matt 4:4. We need the word of God. Plain and simple.

To wrap it all up mom's... keep in mind that it brings your sweet little babes so much joy to see you happy. It gives them so much more comfort and a sense of security than you know. Sometimes we just have so much going on that we don't realize how grouchy we can become or how we just give one command after another. Let's not take things so seriously!!
 I never see my kids light up more than when I am just being silly with them. 

All of the perfect Facebook posts, Pinterest perfect lives, and the perfect little squares on Instagram... all of these things effect us and sometimes our stress comes from performing for an imaginary crowd that is not really there. The crowd that is there and actually watching you doesn't need you to be perfect, just a happier mommy.

Go have a beautiful weekend with your families!

Written with Love, 
