I have been spending a lot of time thinking about what I want the coming year to look like. I feel so inspired in so many ways, but I have to be careful, because I know that my inspiration can so easily cross the line into perfectionism. I never really had any idea that I was a perfectionist, until the wisest women I know taught me what a perfectionist is... and... yep, I am now a recovering perfectionist. We can glamorize perfectionism all day long, but the reality is, it's not glamorous. Maybe like the old me, you don't even realize you are a perfectionist. I thought a perfectionist had a perfectly clean house, was organized, and pretty much was... well... perfect. I probably laughed out loud when she told me I was a perfectionist. Truthfully perfectionism goes much deeper than a clean house, I believe at the heart of it, it's a spiritual issue. Those of us who struggle with perfectionism don't have as much trouble giving grace as we do receiving it. We can usually find a sense of compassion for others shortcomings, but when it comes to our own, there is no excuse.

 As you prepare for this new year, please learn to give yourself and others grace. The same wise woman that taught me about perfectionism, also taught me that everything is not black and white, all or nothing, pass or fail! Listen to me mommas! Your journey through motherhood IS NOT a pass or fail! Your journey is a fall down and pick yourself up again, but only by the grace of God.

As you head into a new year... sure... set some goals for yourself as a mother, but not with the intention of being perfect. When it's only January 2nd. and you have already fallen off course or forgot to even start, don't give up! That my dear, is all or nothing thinking. Your babies need you to not be an all or nothing mommy. You are tired, and it's ok. Five minutes of your undivided attention will mean so much more to them than nothing! We sometimes think if we can't make it extravagent then we should just not bother. That is a lie.

 Heading into the new year please allow yourself to dream dreams. Please do not compare yourself to someone else. As a small business owner I can not tell you how often I am assaulted with thoughts of "why bother."  "So many people are doing what you do."  " Why does it even matter." I could try to give you an answer from my own understanding, but that would be doing you a disservice... so this is what Galations 6:4 has to say.

4" Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own conduct."

 I know that so many people make signs, but I also know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and God didn't give my exact creativity to anyone else.  Whatever it is that you feel inspired to try this coming year please follow that leading and do not let Pinterest, Instagram, or anything else hold you back. There is a big enough piece of the pie for all of us! ;)

With all of that said, these are a few items I am using to prepare for my new year. First and foremost... this verse. It is one of the big ones that I refer to when I need to get my head on straight.                      

Hebrews 12: 1-2(NLT)

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. 

The other tools are not nearly as powerful... I just picked them up at Target. LOL, but I am making big plans and praying over them. 

The theme for my coming year is summed up perfectly on this planner that I found. 

I need balance!  Spiritually, physically, and mentally. I am striving for more balance in the coming year. 

The other tools I am using in the coming year are pretty simple as well. I am going to use this binder to keep track of my spending, eating, fitness, business, inspiration, goals, and anything else that pops into my head.

I know that you are probably really tired from all of the holiday hustle and maybe your house is a wreck and you don't know when you will get caught up on laundry and everything else, but just take it one step at a time. Don't forget to take a deep breath. We are not performing for anyone, and the only one that really matters already sees you as perfect. 

Friends, I hope that the coming year will bring great blessings to you and your loved ones. I pray that you will flourish in the new year and that when you fall down you will give yourself grace to get back up and try again!

With lot's of love,